Le "Quartier Vauban" de Freiburg im Breisgau se presente

Voici le site web noncommerciel pour le "Quartier Vauban" à "Freiburg im Breisgau" (Fribourg, Allemagne). On est en train de reinstaller le site que existait dépuis 1998.


Images on this website

All images may be used without cost (also commercially) under the only condition that you always mention vauban.de as their source somewhere close on your publication

Fotographer: Andreas Delleske if not specified otherwise

Map material

Copyright openstreetmap.org

Texts on this website

Carsten Sperling holds the copyright on all "vauban actuel" documents and the book "Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung.."

All other texts may be used without cost (also commercially) under the only condition that you always mention vauban.de as their source somewhere close on your publication

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